Sunday, May 3, 2009

10 Miracles in 10 4

OK.. so the last few days I've slacked off on my blog. But to recap my 10 miracles experiment, Shelby Collinge suggests making a believable list of things you want in 10 days, concentrate on how having/doing those things will make you feel, and keep track of things as they come.

Here's my desires list...

1. buy "Free Banner Xchange"
2. buy a new van
3. make Mom’s Online Mall self-sustaining and drawing profit
4. find some new friends
5. let go of my perceptions of what ppl think of me
6. schedule honeymoon in Vegas for October 23-25
7. find an offline expo for etc and/or stuff a pal
8. make profits of my own from my businesses
9. find my friend a better job
10. get a haircut and makeover

I can cross off #2 entirely. My husband came home from out of town on Friday, and yesterday was the only day it could be done. (for some stupid reason, it is illegal to buy/sell a car on Sunday in Illinois...) The day moved on and it didn't seem as though it was going to happen. I could feel myself slipping into doubt - and each time I caught it I tried to turn it around. I used one of the phrases I learned After listening to a webinar by Richard Moss ( to turn myself around - "I don't *Need* it, it is on its way." And about 3 pm, as my husband was going to pick my daughter up - he bought a new van for us as well. It fills me with Gratitude, blessings and Happiness.

Now the new van outlay SEEMS to put a damper on the first thing on the list, buying the TE. But yesterday I e-mailed the seller some questions about it anyway. And from a newsletter she puts out, it seems that she is due with a baby in 4-5 weeks, so she will not be available online as much. This is my blessing. It gives me some time. I have expressed the interest to her, and now have only to wait for her and then arrange hosting, etc. By that time, my next support payment and my husbands expense check will be in, and we will be ready to go.

The new friends... well, I guess I haven't been too specific about that one (lol). Last night, in an online game we play (mmorpg for those who I made several new friends and was up till 3am talking to them. Will I ever meet them in real life - doubtful. But I did set out to make some friends - and I was successful, in an odd sort of way.

Oddly enough, #5 - letting go of my perceptions of what ppl think of me - is also pretty much done. The HWTM call on Thursday night addressed that exact topic. We cam not control what people think of us, only how we process and deal with it. So if someone doesn't like us - so what? They will never know what they are missing out on. ...Now do I have this attitude ingrained yet? nope - but I will. I have to stop worrying about what other people think of me, or what I *think* other people think of me. Either they are a part of my life or they are not - but I can not allow my perceptions of their attitudes eat me up.

OK... so to sum it up for today... 4 days in and 3 1/2 things down. I CAN DO ANYTHING! It really is exciting to see these things come through. It will be even more exciting when the 10 days is up and all 10 things are here!

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