Today, this blog will make a shift. I can't say for how long, but for today I will actually talk about me. The personal side of me.
I have been doing some reading, after listening to some of the speakers on Healing with the Masters series, on manifestation. At first my goals were to find a way to make it work. Upstream, as Abraham-Hicks would say. I wanted to find the method, the words, the way to manipulate things to get what I want.
And then my eyes were opened. I can't even say what the moment was, or the trigger was. I just know that at the end of my day, I was in pure bliss. Not wanting for anything, just reveling in the beauty and joy of the abundance that I already have.
After all, I have an amazing husband who worked 17 hours yesterday, out of town, so that we can have things that we need. But that isn't all. He really is a thoughtful, considerate (most of the time), loving, caring person. Sure we have had our struggles, but I have to say that 90% of those have been caused by outside influences.
I also have some great kids. I hear from friends that their kids are in trouble with the police, getting caught drinking or stealing, or even drugs - and they are the same age as mine. My kids are all healthy, happy, well adjusted and all around good kids. I am thankful for that as well.
We have the money to pay the bills, we have a beautiful house to live in, we have what we need. Life really is good.
So what would I like to see manifested now? I want some extras. And I want my business to grow and develop so that *I* am the one contributing these extras. The first treat I want for my family is the weekend getaway to Renfaire this summer. Next will be the trip to Las Vegas for a honeymoon. I even know I want to stay at the Luxor and that we will go Oct 23-25. Then, probably over spring break or next summer we are going to DisneyLand and the LA area. Got that trip planned out pretty much too.
While the costs of these things seemed to be more of a concern to me before, now it feels like I just know. I can't describe it, other than just a wonderful feeling of knowing. There is no "what if" or "but" just knowing.
Life is beautiful. Just take a moment to look around at all you have, instead of what you do not.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Amazing New Company

Whether you’re looking for a new business, or just want to take a peek at some of the cutest new products to hit the market – you have to check these out…

Iggly Biggly has pre-launch spots still available for only $20 registration.

Who doesn’t love flip-flops? Iggly Biggly has such adorable styles you’ll want one of each!
For more info on this great product and amazing opportunity e-mail me at or go to Iggly Biggly
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Thought for Thursday
When something is supposed to happen, everything that is required for it to happen will come. Everything falls right into place as the need arises.
Just like the M.O.M. Network. The flood of ideas of what it has started with. The ideas move toward the site needs like hosting, etc so I investigated some WAHM centered hosting companies, and found the one I want to go with. As I keep going I see the expenses that the new project requires and I know that the funding to cover them will be here when the time is right to move to that step.
I think the biggest thing keeping me from getting all of this done and ready is me. I really have to learn to get out of my own way and let things come in.
Great things are coming!
Just like the M.O.M. Network. The flood of ideas of what it has started with. The ideas move toward the site needs like hosting, etc so I investigated some WAHM centered hosting companies, and found the one I want to go with. As I keep going I see the expenses that the new project requires and I know that the funding to cover them will be here when the time is right to move to that step.
I think the biggest thing keeping me from getting all of this done and ready is me. I really have to learn to get out of my own way and let things come in.
Great things are coming!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Magnificent Monday!
I did have a Magnificent Monday! I had so much fun at "work" that I hardly got the chance to do the "fun" things I had planned. So much fun that I didnt' even get a chance to post to the blog.
There are so many new changes coming, developing new "M.O.M. Network" sites and looking at hosting options, etc. You can go to to see what I've got so far, but it is far from ready. Big changes, lotsa re-arranging coming.
I must say that the "dream" (literally) came after listening to some coaching calls I had taped and ACCEPTING where I was in life at this moment. All of a sudden the floodgate opened. I started to get frazzled about the new ideas swimming in my head, and "How am I gonna...." and seeing some friends kinda fall out of the picture. So I listened to the Thursday night Healing with the Masters call. I got on the call late, but just in time to hear Jennifer say something along the lines of, "If things are a little disjointed right now, be happy. That means that what you have asked for is rushing toward you in a new way and pushing everything that doesn't fit in with it out of the way." At that point I knew exactly where I was going, what I needed to do.
Each day is a learning experience. Just because something doesn't work out the way you think it should doesn't mean it won't work out - better than you originally hoped. We should all remember to stop getting in our own way!
There are so many new changes coming, developing new "M.O.M. Network" sites and looking at hosting options, etc. You can go to to see what I've got so far, but it is far from ready. Big changes, lotsa re-arranging coming.
I must say that the "dream" (literally) came after listening to some coaching calls I had taped and ACCEPTING where I was in life at this moment. All of a sudden the floodgate opened. I started to get frazzled about the new ideas swimming in my head, and "How am I gonna...." and seeing some friends kinda fall out of the picture. So I listened to the Thursday night Healing with the Masters call. I got on the call late, but just in time to hear Jennifer say something along the lines of, "If things are a little disjointed right now, be happy. That means that what you have asked for is rushing toward you in a new way and pushing everything that doesn't fit in with it out of the way." At that point I knew exactly where I was going, what I needed to do.
Each day is a learning experience. Just because something doesn't work out the way you think it should doesn't mean it won't work out - better than you originally hoped. We should all remember to stop getting in our own way!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I just got a link exchange request for Mom's Online Mall from another blog... and when I checked it out I knew what was for dinner tomorrow! (would have been tonight, but I don't have all the ingredients on hand)
Check out the Mom On a Budget blog! You'll be glad you did!
Check out the Mom On a Budget blog! You'll be glad you did!

Well, so much for the manifesting and 10 miracles. Got my final kick in the teeth last night when I got the "congrats" email about the new owner of the site I wanted.
I've been beaten. Sure - when one door closes another opens somewhere... but by the time I find it, it will close on me too.
This door has to come find me.
Crappy attitude? Sure. Reality bites.
So I guess you gotta take a day off sometimes. Gonna listen to some motivational recordings and start all over tomorrow.
Plus the season finale of Hell's Kitchen is on tonight :).
I've been beaten. Sure - when one door closes another opens somewhere... but by the time I find it, it will close on me too.
This door has to come find me.
Crappy attitude? Sure. Reality bites.
So I guess you gotta take a day off sometimes. Gonna listen to some motivational recordings and start all over tomorrow.
Plus the season finale of Hell's Kitchen is on tonight :).
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
What the heck is up with Twitter?
I am not sure if this should be a blog post, an open discussion on the forum, or a discussion in a twitter group, but here goes…
What the heck is twitter for? Obviously I am missing something here. Everyone I have chosen to follow is someone that I want to hear what they have to say. Most of them are because I believe I can learn something from them. Heck, one of them tweeted something about her wholesale program and her products are something I have been looking for to add to my site, so I am gathering an order together and working out ideas for labeling.
And then there are the few that I am ready to unfollow. Sadly, one of them is/was a good friend. Her tweets have gone from what her kids had for lunch (PB&J most days) to blatant advertising. She is a friend on Facebook too, and sends her tweets both places. In a 3 hour period there were 17 friend updates on my Facebook wall… 11 of them were blatant ads by this one person. She claims that she enjoys the conversations with all 1000 of her Twitter followers, but I wonder how many of those followers are enjoying them. And to top it off, it seems as though Twitter is a competition to her. She found some lists of the top people to follow that will follow you back, to grow your follower list – and followed each and every one of them. How many of her followers are truly interested in what she has to say, and how many are just gathering followers themselves, I have to wonder.
One of the others I am tempted to unfollow seems to have a schedule of tweets, and every day it is the same thing. I don’t mean “good morning” and such, I mean EXACTLY the same tweet, in exactly the same order, every day. Since that person is a motivator, and the morning reminders that the one thing that makes today different is that I am creating it as I go are nice… so far. But that is because I have only been following them for 3 days.
So seriously, what is the point of Twitter? It started out as a way to keep friends updated, and now it looks like a competition to have the most followers, whether they listen to what you are saying or not. And it seems highly egotistical to think that the whole world (or 1000 followers) is hanging on your every word/ad.
Please, don’t follow me on Twitter, unless you like what I have to say or want to interact with me. And certainly don’t follow me if you want to collect followers or sell me something.
Still want to follow me - @momsonlinemall
What the heck is twitter for? Obviously I am missing something here. Everyone I have chosen to follow is someone that I want to hear what they have to say. Most of them are because I believe I can learn something from them. Heck, one of them tweeted something about her wholesale program and her products are something I have been looking for to add to my site, so I am gathering an order together and working out ideas for labeling.
And then there are the few that I am ready to unfollow. Sadly, one of them is/was a good friend. Her tweets have gone from what her kids had for lunch (PB&J most days) to blatant advertising. She is a friend on Facebook too, and sends her tweets both places. In a 3 hour period there were 17 friend updates on my Facebook wall… 11 of them were blatant ads by this one person. She claims that she enjoys the conversations with all 1000 of her Twitter followers, but I wonder how many of those followers are enjoying them. And to top it off, it seems as though Twitter is a competition to her. She found some lists of the top people to follow that will follow you back, to grow your follower list – and followed each and every one of them. How many of her followers are truly interested in what she has to say, and how many are just gathering followers themselves, I have to wonder.
One of the others I am tempted to unfollow seems to have a schedule of tweets, and every day it is the same thing. I don’t mean “good morning” and such, I mean EXACTLY the same tweet, in exactly the same order, every day. Since that person is a motivator, and the morning reminders that the one thing that makes today different is that I am creating it as I go are nice… so far. But that is because I have only been following them for 3 days.
So seriously, what is the point of Twitter? It started out as a way to keep friends updated, and now it looks like a competition to have the most followers, whether they listen to what you are saying or not. And it seems highly egotistical to think that the whole world (or 1000 followers) is hanging on your every word/ad.
Please, don’t follow me on Twitter, unless you like what I have to say or want to interact with me. And certainly don’t follow me if you want to collect followers or sell me something.
Still want to follow me - @momsonlinemall
Monday, May 11, 2009
Thought for the day...
Living for the now... its not a new concept. It is something that mindset coaches talk about in order to help you get over the past and start anew.
I was reading an article about how the past is gone, old and stale and the future is always waiting. It reminded me of a Stephen King story and movie called The Langoliers. In the movie, the passengers on a plane went through a time rip, and those who were asleep didn't pass into the next moment. Instead they stayed behind, only a few seconds, but they were in the past. Nothing was as bright as it should be, nothing tasted as good, nothing was "right." The basis of the movie was simple, they struggled to get back to "now" while the "Langoliers" came to clean up and remove the past. Staying in the past was deadly, as the "Langoliers" destroyed everything in their path.
Placing that in perspective - we are all being followed by "Langoliers" who come and clean up the past. They follow right behind us, keeping us in the moment. It is only our mind that lets us relive the past, for once a moment has passed it is gone forever. Don't let your memories of what was rule your now. Or you may face the "Langoliers" yourself one day.
The past and the future exist only in your mind. Take a moment and relish TODAY, for it soon will be gone as well.
I was reading an article about how the past is gone, old and stale and the future is always waiting. It reminded me of a Stephen King story and movie called The Langoliers. In the movie, the passengers on a plane went through a time rip, and those who were asleep didn't pass into the next moment. Instead they stayed behind, only a few seconds, but they were in the past. Nothing was as bright as it should be, nothing tasted as good, nothing was "right." The basis of the movie was simple, they struggled to get back to "now" while the "Langoliers" came to clean up and remove the past. Staying in the past was deadly, as the "Langoliers" destroyed everything in their path.
Placing that in perspective - we are all being followed by "Langoliers" who come and clean up the past. They follow right behind us, keeping us in the moment. It is only our mind that lets us relive the past, for once a moment has passed it is gone forever. Don't let your memories of what was rule your now. Or you may face the "Langoliers" yourself one day.
The past and the future exist only in your mind. Take a moment and relish TODAY, for it soon will be gone as well.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Wacky Wednesday (2 days late)
As I was reading a discussion on a message board about the MMORPG I play they started talking about a helmet that is supposed to be in the game. Someone asked for a pic of the helmet and this pic was shown. I am not sure I have laughed that hard in a LONG time!

10 Miracles in 10 Days - Day 8
Well, I guess I sent it out and then gave up on it - but I got it anyway. Manifestation is a curious thing. In my last post I mentioned that the haircut wasn't important and I was going to take it off the list because it wasn't really something I was worried about. And yet, when a friend and I went to lunch yesterday - she took me for a haircut. My hair went from the middle of my back to above my shoulders! And I was right, I absolutely love it!
Another thing off my list.
Still waiting for...
The traffic exchange purchase
The profits from my business
The vacation in Vegas in October.
I think I need to re-align my thoughts because I know I have been feeling some doubt on the bottom 2. The TE, for some reason, I believe - despite the setback that has been put in front of me. But the profits on the site I keep looking at "the how" and trying to figure out what I need to do to make it happen instead of letting it happen. And the vacation seems to be connected to the site's profits.
Time to re-listen to one of the audios on manifesting, I guess.
Another thing off my list.
Still waiting for...
The traffic exchange purchase
The profits from my business
The vacation in Vegas in October.
I think I need to re-align my thoughts because I know I have been feeling some doubt on the bottom 2. The TE, for some reason, I believe - despite the setback that has been put in front of me. But the profits on the site I keep looking at "the how" and trying to figure out what I need to do to make it happen instead of letting it happen. And the vacation seems to be connected to the site's profits.
Time to re-listen to one of the audios on manifesting, I guess.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
10 Miracles 10 Days ... day 5
Yeah, yeah... I know I should have done day 5 yesterday. But better late than never...
To recap the desires...
1. buy "Free Banner Xchange"
2. buy a new van *****COMPLETE
3. make Mom’s Online Mall self-sustaining and drawing profit
4. find some new friends *****COMPLETE
5. let go of my perceptions of what ppl think of me *****COMPLETE
6. schedule honeymoon in Vegas for October 23-25
7. find an offline expo for etc and/or stuff a pal
8. make profits of my own from my businesses
9. find my friend a better job
10. get a haircut and makeover
Had a delay in the first one... but its a good delay. Apparently there is a potential buyer for the site, but she will have a final decision later this week. But this works to my advantage. The van set us back a little bit more than expected, BUT if she doesn't have a decision until later this week, my new support will be in next Tues or Weds and I'll be all set to buy it then. Its all a matter of perspective - most people would have been upset when something they want looked like it was slipping through their fingers. But I managed to find the positive in it.
I have also found, while thinking about it last night, that some of these things on my list are not really things I care about. I can honestly say that 9 & 10 were both put there just to fill the spots, and 3,7 and 8 are all pretty much repeating the same thing. So lets condense this list and see what there is left to go...
1. buy "Free Banner Xchange"
6. schedule honeymoon in Vegas for October 23-25
8. make profits of my own from my businesses
Looks like we're gonna make it!
To recap the desires...
1. buy "Free Banner Xchange"
2. buy a new van *****COMPLETE
3. make Mom’s Online Mall self-sustaining and drawing profit
4. find some new friends *****COMPLETE
5. let go of my perceptions of what ppl think of me *****COMPLETE
6. schedule honeymoon in Vegas for October 23-25
7. find an offline expo for etc and/or stuff a pal
8. make profits of my own from my businesses
9. find my friend a better job
10. get a haircut and makeover
Had a delay in the first one... but its a good delay. Apparently there is a potential buyer for the site, but she will have a final decision later this week. But this works to my advantage. The van set us back a little bit more than expected, BUT if she doesn't have a decision until later this week, my new support will be in next Tues or Weds and I'll be all set to buy it then. Its all a matter of perspective - most people would have been upset when something they want looked like it was slipping through their fingers. But I managed to find the positive in it.
I have also found, while thinking about it last night, that some of these things on my list are not really things I care about. I can honestly say that 9 & 10 were both put there just to fill the spots, and 3,7 and 8 are all pretty much repeating the same thing. So lets condense this list and see what there is left to go...
1. buy "Free Banner Xchange"
6. schedule honeymoon in Vegas for October 23-25
8. make profits of my own from my businesses
Looks like we're gonna make it!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
miracles... continued
How odd... here is my horoscope today. Very strange...and even MORE exciting.
Virgo Horoscopes
(Aug 23 - Sep 22)
Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 -- The Moon's return to your sign today is a strong reminder that managing your internal world can be as useful as putting your external life in order. Your attitude today sets the stage for the upcoming week. If you allow yourself to feel overwhelmed or discouraged, it will only get harder as the days fly by. Consciously nudge your thoughts in a positive direction whenever you can, for what you think is what you will get.
Virgo Horoscopes
(Aug 23 - Sep 22)
Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 -- The Moon's return to your sign today is a strong reminder that managing your internal world can be as useful as putting your external life in order. Your attitude today sets the stage for the upcoming week. If you allow yourself to feel overwhelmed or discouraged, it will only get harder as the days fly by. Consciously nudge your thoughts in a positive direction whenever you can, for what you think is what you will get.
10 Miracles in 10 4
OK.. so the last few days I've slacked off on my blog. But to recap my 10 miracles experiment, Shelby Collinge suggests making a believable list of things you want in 10 days, concentrate on how having/doing those things will make you feel, and keep track of things as they come.
Here's my desires list...
1. buy "Free Banner Xchange"
2. buy a new van
3. make Mom’s Online Mall self-sustaining and drawing profit
4. find some new friends
5. let go of my perceptions of what ppl think of me
6. schedule honeymoon in Vegas for October 23-25
7. find an offline expo for etc and/or stuff a pal
8. make profits of my own from my businesses
9. find my friend a better job
10. get a haircut and makeover
I can cross off #2 entirely. My husband came home from out of town on Friday, and yesterday was the only day it could be done. (for some stupid reason, it is illegal to buy/sell a car on Sunday in Illinois...) The day moved on and it didn't seem as though it was going to happen. I could feel myself slipping into doubt - and each time I caught it I tried to turn it around. I used one of the phrases I learned After listening to a webinar by Richard Moss ( to turn myself around - "I don't *Need* it, it is on its way." And about 3 pm, as my husband was going to pick my daughter up - he bought a new van for us as well. It fills me with Gratitude, blessings and Happiness.
Now the new van outlay SEEMS to put a damper on the first thing on the list, buying the TE. But yesterday I e-mailed the seller some questions about it anyway. And from a newsletter she puts out, it seems that she is due with a baby in 4-5 weeks, so she will not be available online as much. This is my blessing. It gives me some time. I have expressed the interest to her, and now have only to wait for her and then arrange hosting, etc. By that time, my next support payment and my husbands expense check will be in, and we will be ready to go.
The new friends... well, I guess I haven't been too specific about that one (lol). Last night, in an online game we play (mmorpg for those who I made several new friends and was up till 3am talking to them. Will I ever meet them in real life - doubtful. But I did set out to make some friends - and I was successful, in an odd sort of way.
Oddly enough, #5 - letting go of my perceptions of what ppl think of me - is also pretty much done. The HWTM call on Thursday night addressed that exact topic. We cam not control what people think of us, only how we process and deal with it. So if someone doesn't like us - so what? They will never know what they are missing out on. ...Now do I have this attitude ingrained yet? nope - but I will. I have to stop worrying about what other people think of me, or what I *think* other people think of me. Either they are a part of my life or they are not - but I can not allow my perceptions of their attitudes eat me up.
OK... so to sum it up for today... 4 days in and 3 1/2 things down. I CAN DO ANYTHING! It really is exciting to see these things come through. It will be even more exciting when the 10 days is up and all 10 things are here!
Here's my desires list...
1. buy "Free Banner Xchange"
2. buy a new van
3. make Mom’s Online Mall self-sustaining and drawing profit
4. find some new friends
5. let go of my perceptions of what ppl think of me
6. schedule honeymoon in Vegas for October 23-25
7. find an offline expo for etc and/or stuff a pal
8. make profits of my own from my businesses
9. find my friend a better job
10. get a haircut and makeover
I can cross off #2 entirely. My husband came home from out of town on Friday, and yesterday was the only day it could be done. (for some stupid reason, it is illegal to buy/sell a car on Sunday in Illinois...) The day moved on and it didn't seem as though it was going to happen. I could feel myself slipping into doubt - and each time I caught it I tried to turn it around. I used one of the phrases I learned After listening to a webinar by Richard Moss ( to turn myself around - "I don't *Need* it, it is on its way." And about 3 pm, as my husband was going to pick my daughter up - he bought a new van for us as well. It fills me with Gratitude, blessings and Happiness.
Now the new van outlay SEEMS to put a damper on the first thing on the list, buying the TE. But yesterday I e-mailed the seller some questions about it anyway. And from a newsletter she puts out, it seems that she is due with a baby in 4-5 weeks, so she will not be available online as much. This is my blessing. It gives me some time. I have expressed the interest to her, and now have only to wait for her and then arrange hosting, etc. By that time, my next support payment and my husbands expense check will be in, and we will be ready to go.
The new friends... well, I guess I haven't been too specific about that one (lol). Last night, in an online game we play (mmorpg for those who I made several new friends and was up till 3am talking to them. Will I ever meet them in real life - doubtful. But I did set out to make some friends - and I was successful, in an odd sort of way.
Oddly enough, #5 - letting go of my perceptions of what ppl think of me - is also pretty much done. The HWTM call on Thursday night addressed that exact topic. We cam not control what people think of us, only how we process and deal with it. So if someone doesn't like us - so what? They will never know what they are missing out on. ...Now do I have this attitude ingrained yet? nope - but I will. I have to stop worrying about what other people think of me, or what I *think* other people think of me. Either they are a part of my life or they are not - but I can not allow my perceptions of their attitudes eat me up.
OK... so to sum it up for today... 4 days in and 3 1/2 things down. I CAN DO ANYTHING! It really is exciting to see these things come through. It will be even more exciting when the 10 days is up and all 10 things are here!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Thankful Thursday
Yep, I missed it again... lol.
For yesterday's Thankful Thursday I want to say thanks to all of the people who are contributing to the Healing with the Masters web series with Jennifer McLean. (
I've listened to 3 or 4 of the calls so far and each one has touched me in some way. They have a new speaker twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday. Thursday's call was Richard Moss speaking on change. He says, "There is no such thing as change for the worse. Every change is an evolution, a step for the better." And "when you change your perspective on an event - you change everything." It was a very eye-opening call.
So Thanks Jennifer, and all of the Masters contributing.
For yesterday's Thankful Thursday I want to say thanks to all of the people who are contributing to the Healing with the Masters web series with Jennifer McLean. (
I've listened to 3 or 4 of the calls so far and each one has touched me in some way. They have a new speaker twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday. Thursday's call was Richard Moss speaking on change. He says, "There is no such thing as change for the worse. Every change is an evolution, a step for the better." And "when you change your perspective on an event - you change everything." It was a very eye-opening call.
So Thanks Jennifer, and all of the Masters contributing.
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