Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Oh the Joys!

I am so thankful that we have multiple computers here. Hubby installed Windows 7 (beta) on the desktop I usually use, and now I have to show it where all of my files are. That means no Office, no Front Page. I can't even get it to access the my websites through "my network files" like I could before. And to top it off... Windows 7 is saying it isn't compatible with Office 2003, so I am not sure what I am doing.

So, "work" is put off for some time. Which is most annoying because I made a huge list of errors and changes that I need to get fixed on pretty much all of the sites. I had some re-write ideas for articles and a few other tweaks too, and now they have to wait.

There ARE some more great things coming, its just gonna take me a bit.

In the mean time, have you taken the surveys from my last post??

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