Friday, July 31, 2009


Well.. I need to follow up on how the 2 experiments have been going for me. First, the more successful one...

I found that using the index cards to keep myself on task worked well, for the most part. But as any WAHM knows, life can't always be planned out. I had some distractions and some additional tasks thrown in there, but for the most part my day went smoothly and by the end of the week most of the cards were ending up in the "completed" pile. Of course some of the "One time only" jobs (like sorting through all the school clothes to see what fits and who gets what) didn't get done, but I DID get ALL of my laundry done, a monumental task with 7 kids. All in all, I consider it a success... and when my older 3 kids come home from their dad's on Sunday and I have some help, things should go even better.

Now for the experiment that was not so successful. Or maybe it was, depending on how you look at it. Avoiding negativity is NOT easy. There were so many things that tripped me up, not much on gossip, but the overall negative emotions and thoughts. I have noticed that when I first started, I felt more bliss, and after a day where I felt bad and complained a lot I had a less positive outlook. So starting over and trying again. I do know that when I focus on the good things I have, I feel great... so back to that.

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